
Focus F1

Uncertainty spreads 10 days before the start of the World Cup

There are exactly 10 days left until the start of the 2011 World Cup, and never before have there been so many doubts about various aspects of the new season as this year. Let's try to summarize everything with this piece. Mobile Wing: there is a risk of chaos We had already talked about it a month and a half ago in this article, and the various series of tests have confirmed the tide of doubts that is falling on the rear Mobile Wing.
Focus F1

How to return to a more credible F1? Let's try to imagine it

The failure to start the 2011 World Cup in Bahrain is definitely hurting. Lately, moreover, Bernie Ecclestone's outbursts have also been creating a certain embarrassment in the environment. The latest releases of the master father of F1 are astounding: tracks watered like flower gardens, cars that should go back to twenty from twenty-four because some are too slow (Come on?), and then others, too many proposals and suggestions that it would be better not to even hear .